Dear American readers,
I must say that I have absolutely no idea (what so ever) what it is that brings you to my so called blog, but have no fear; I welcome you as I would any Swedish reader, i.e. with a peck on the forehead and something resembling a smile. Keep reading (or trying to read) my swedish jibberjabber while you feast on your burger from Mickey D's. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
My (yes, that is my name)
PS. As for you Ukrainian readers -- I have no idea what you're doing here either, but do enjoy your stay. DS.
Just därför borde du skriva som en idiot så ingen kan översätta med translate.
SvaraRaderaungefär som detta då: "but rather about images like this on the right - namely, fuzzy, boiler loose pictures that I took with me my best surprised-and lobotomerad-min with a real plutmun. Full briefing." kan man annat än älska google translate? "boiler loose" - ja, det var precis vad jag menade med "pannlös".